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'Sound travels slower than light, because of the weight'

- Paucine -

Paul Gies

KLINK Founder & Co-owner
Sound designer, Re-recording mixer,
Dialogue, ADR & SFX editor
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Marc Lizier

KLINK Co-owner
Sound designer, Re-recording mixer,
Dialogue, ADR & SFX editor,, Music Composer


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Since 1998, Klink has been at the forefront of sound engineering and design. Working on a wide range of projects including feature films, drama series, documentaries, animation and podcasts, we are here to help whenever audio plays a role.
Although sound finishing is the last link in the time consuming process of filmmaking, we like to be involved in our client's projects from the start whenever possible. Drawing on our years of expertise and experience, we can offer advice, support and suggestions not only on technical matters but also concerning content.
For larger undertakings, we are able to call on our fellow Klinkers: freelance engineers who specialise in various aspects of sound engineering.
At Klink, we believe that no matter how difficult the process has been to reach the final stage, sound finishing should be a joy!

Klink Audio Post Production  Sumatrastraat 59-61 1094 LP Amsterdam The Netherlands  0031 20 7371152

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